Every year there are thousands of films that make their way to the silver screen; however, only a few ever really hit it big when it comes to box office money. It is notable that most of the biggest films that release every year have relation to a superhero. As The Wolverine just comes out with an $80 million dollar opening acceptance, the point can be proven with up to date data. When The Avengers and Batman made the billion dollar club last year it's easy to see what people look for in films. Certain genres only apply to certain people, like horror appeals to a small portion of the movie going audience and romance or otherwise known as chick flicks are typically reserved for women and a small portion of men.
The superheros we know today got their start in the early days of World War II with comic books; giving the people hope. Most of the audience consisted young boys who had fathers and hero's fighting for them across the sea. It wasn't a replacement for a dad, just a glimmer of hope and a heroic figure for young boys and men to follow. Captain America is a perfect example of this. A man who uses his genetically altered past to bring evil to justice. He is an example of fighting for others and take nothing for yourself. Not only were comic books fun and entertaining to read, but those who read them developed a bond with the characters as thy followed them through each book. Each superhero had a lesson to learn and a opponent to beat. Most boys have this thirst for adventure and will to discovery new places. When I was young my imagination ran wild, I was always the superhero. That brings me to why these films are so popular. Most of these kids who grew up with these hero's are now seeing them in a movie for the first time and it's thrilling. It's more important than real history to some people. I guess in a way it really is history because it is perceived history.
My favorite superhero will always be the Wolverine. I was inspired to write this post after watching the new film which came out today entitled, "The Wolverine". He isn't very friendly or glamorous, which I think is why I like him so much. He keeps to himself and I can see my reflection when I watch him on screen. I wish I looked like him, yeah, but that's not what I'm talking about. It's his character and who he chooses to be. The Wolverine is a soldier and like Captain America was a World War II hero figure. His choice: To be behind the spotlight and into the fight. See now, I'm talking about him as if he was real. To me he really is real, just like Middle Earth is a real place.
Superhero films have a quality about them that most people look for in themselves. People relate to superheros one way or another. I relate to Wolverine because he has a hard time finding his purpose. I also had a hard time finding my purpose. Now that we both have something in common I'm drawn to the character. Maybe someone is struggling to do the right thing, they may be drawn more to Batman. What if you have everything and it's still not good enough? Iron Man can relate. Maybe you are self centered and think that your the only thing that matters. Thor is in the same boat. You feel like no one can accept you for who you really are? Superman is right there with you. The list goes on and on. Superheros, when examined, are no different than us. They deal with the same issues and problems. The difference is they complete their story when the film is over. Giving us hope that we can overcome our own struggles. That's why so many people pay top dollar for a superhero movie. They want to see their childhood hero in action, their longtime friend to polish off the bad guys, a hero to give them hope and a few hours to forget about life and find someone who you can relate to and concur the world with.
~ Jesse
I realise this post is different than the rest. It was a subject I wanted to explain more, to anyone who would listen. Never forget the creator who gave us life and the amazing abilities to hope and dream and aspire to be more than the world tells us we can be. We must know that through Christ and Christ alone we can move mountains. Through our downfalls and failures we must rise to the challenge and defeat our enemy. To do this we must give our lives and all that we are to Christ.
What will appear in the credits at the end of your film? Will it be all about you? Or will Christ be in every line?
Everyone has a gift to use just like the superheros we know and look up to. What will we do with them? Christ is, and should be, the ultimate example, but lets not overlook the underlining lessons found within our comic book hero's next time we hit the theater.
"You raise me up, to be more than I can be."
Friday, July 26, 2013
Monday, July 1, 2013
What is Freedom?
One cannot and will never understand the true meaning of being free, if Jesus Christ is not in their lives. Then again, even those who are saved from the eternal sentence of Hell itself don't fully understand what Christ did for them. You can accept the work on the cross and the fact that we have died with Christ and are raised with Him and still not understand the full measure of His work. No one here will ever be able to fully explain Christ's person and all that He is, but we can still strive to understand the written Word of life God has given us to guide us for our walk down here in this dark, directionless work. Within God's Word is the key to living a life full of freedom from the world and ourselves.
I have read many verses on freedom and Christ's death on the cross, but still managed to come away confused. I bit ago, I read the Message Bible transliteration which puts verses in the most simple form you can think of. In the case of reading Romans 6-8, it made reading a breeze. I had a hard time making sense of in the King James before. I'm not bashing the King James version at all, I believe it is one of the closest translations to the original text of the Bible. Sometimes though you may need some modern language to make sense of passages you really want to understand.
As a younger man I have had my share of the world's influence and have paid the price for the choices. I will be the first in line to say that the so called freedom of making your own choices is the very definition of slavery. God's grace is great and abundant, but don't think of his forgiveness as a way to throw all your sins and selfish acts in a trash can when you finish and then continue what you were doing. I once thought this way.
Freedom is not doing whatever you want. When Jesus Christ came down to save us, He came down to save us from ourselves. We, on our own, serve the world and our works are dry and worthless. At the end of our lives we will stand in front of God and have nothing to give Him. If we continue to live a life for ourselves we gain nothing, but if we live a life for Christ we gain freedom. Freedom from sin and our choices. Have you ever thought of listening and obeying God as freedom? I never did. I always thought it to be work. I have taken my own path and what I thought was best for me. I never thought it would bring about the near destruction of my heart. The choice that you make to be free and make your own decisions will be your last free choice.
I once thought that I had a disease and that something was wrong with me. I would sin and fall back into the world's ways, then I would confess my sins to the Lord and the next day fall right back into my old ways. The world and those around me told me that I had to CHANGE. The changes that were suggested to me altered my outlook on freedom. Let me tell you how: Part of the reason I was kept in bondage was the simple lie that I needed more than God to cure myself. In accepting anything else beyond Christ, I am saying God isn't good enough. According to the following God is enough.
2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for thee....."
You may say that yeah it's true the Bible does say that...but you have a problem and you need some other help to to get yourself "right". You are human as well and God is so far away. You need Christ yes...but. But Nothing! This is the lie of the world; that God isn't good enough. The minute you even slightly believe that God isn't enough you can't and will never appreciate the Gospel of Christ. We all have times where believing this verse is difficult and we may need help from others to remind us of this truth. But don't for a second believe that your anything other than a child of God.
My problem was that I thought too much. I was constantly trying to change and be someone new. When in reality, I was already new: Because of Christ's work. I was trying to make Christ's work better. We all know that His work was a perfect work. We try to enhance His already finished work. When someone told me there was nothing wrong with me and that I didn't need to change I was dumb-founded. Not even just that, but that I was already free from the world and my sin. I'm free and forgiven? So what am I doing focusing on fixing myself when I'm already fixed? That's the point. I had a big "duh" moment. All this time, my eyes could have been focused on Christ and what He has done for me.
So if you're like me and have a past of things you wish you could have done over again, listen to this truth that helped me move on. You are not defined by your past, addictions, down falls and mistakes. YOU are defined by His life.
"For you are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God."
- Collisions 3:3
Keep yourself looking to God only. The more you believe the lies of the world, the more the flesh has it's day. Remember that freedom and deliverance from sin comes from not doing something, but rather resting in the finished work of the cross. Some people, like myself have pasts, that God has delivered us from. This is where transparency comes into view. Some of us have to be brought to the lowest point to break down our pride and self. Then God brings us to a place of humility and gives us the great and wonderful opportunity to serve Him in ways we could not have done before. The grace of God flows through our hearts.
Jesus said, "It is finished," for a reason. Your choice is to either accept the FINISHED work of Christ, or continue on believing that there is something wrong with you and you still have to change and be a better person. It put my heart, mind and soul to rest to be leaning on God and His promises. I continue to read His Word and give my time and heart to the one who set me free. I was crucified with Christ, but yet I live!! Take hold of these truths in God's Word, these words are more than guidelines. They are the written words of God. He gives us hope when the world offered none. He gives us life and freedom. Reach out and take it. No one else can give you peace and joy but Christ. It is a beautiful thing. A beautiful thing indeed....to be free.
- Jesse
I have read many verses on freedom and Christ's death on the cross, but still managed to come away confused. I bit ago, I read the Message Bible transliteration which puts verses in the most simple form you can think of. In the case of reading Romans 6-8, it made reading a breeze. I had a hard time making sense of in the King James before. I'm not bashing the King James version at all, I believe it is one of the closest translations to the original text of the Bible. Sometimes though you may need some modern language to make sense of passages you really want to understand.
As a younger man I have had my share of the world's influence and have paid the price for the choices. I will be the first in line to say that the so called freedom of making your own choices is the very definition of slavery. God's grace is great and abundant, but don't think of his forgiveness as a way to throw all your sins and selfish acts in a trash can when you finish and then continue what you were doing. I once thought this way.
Freedom is not doing whatever you want. When Jesus Christ came down to save us, He came down to save us from ourselves. We, on our own, serve the world and our works are dry and worthless. At the end of our lives we will stand in front of God and have nothing to give Him. If we continue to live a life for ourselves we gain nothing, but if we live a life for Christ we gain freedom. Freedom from sin and our choices. Have you ever thought of listening and obeying God as freedom? I never did. I always thought it to be work. I have taken my own path and what I thought was best for me. I never thought it would bring about the near destruction of my heart. The choice that you make to be free and make your own decisions will be your last free choice.
I once thought that I had a disease and that something was wrong with me. I would sin and fall back into the world's ways, then I would confess my sins to the Lord and the next day fall right back into my old ways. The world and those around me told me that I had to CHANGE. The changes that were suggested to me altered my outlook on freedom. Let me tell you how: Part of the reason I was kept in bondage was the simple lie that I needed more than God to cure myself. In accepting anything else beyond Christ, I am saying God isn't good enough. According to the following God is enough.
2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for thee....."
You may say that yeah it's true the Bible does say that...but you have a problem and you need some other help to to get yourself "right". You are human as well and God is so far away. You need Christ yes...but. But Nothing! This is the lie of the world; that God isn't good enough. The minute you even slightly believe that God isn't enough you can't and will never appreciate the Gospel of Christ. We all have times where believing this verse is difficult and we may need help from others to remind us of this truth. But don't for a second believe that your anything other than a child of God.
My problem was that I thought too much. I was constantly trying to change and be someone new. When in reality, I was already new: Because of Christ's work. I was trying to make Christ's work better. We all know that His work was a perfect work. We try to enhance His already finished work. When someone told me there was nothing wrong with me and that I didn't need to change I was dumb-founded. Not even just that, but that I was already free from the world and my sin. I'm free and forgiven? So what am I doing focusing on fixing myself when I'm already fixed? That's the point. I had a big "duh" moment. All this time, my eyes could have been focused on Christ and what He has done for me.
So if you're like me and have a past of things you wish you could have done over again, listen to this truth that helped me move on. You are not defined by your past, addictions, down falls and mistakes. YOU are defined by His life.
"For you are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God."
- Collisions 3:3
Keep yourself looking to God only. The more you believe the lies of the world, the more the flesh has it's day. Remember that freedom and deliverance from sin comes from not doing something, but rather resting in the finished work of the cross. Some people, like myself have pasts, that God has delivered us from. This is where transparency comes into view. Some of us have to be brought to the lowest point to break down our pride and self. Then God brings us to a place of humility and gives us the great and wonderful opportunity to serve Him in ways we could not have done before. The grace of God flows through our hearts.

Jesus said, "It is finished," for a reason. Your choice is to either accept the FINISHED work of Christ, or continue on believing that there is something wrong with you and you still have to change and be a better person. It put my heart, mind and soul to rest to be leaning on God and His promises. I continue to read His Word and give my time and heart to the one who set me free. I was crucified with Christ, but yet I live!! Take hold of these truths in God's Word, these words are more than guidelines. They are the written words of God. He gives us hope when the world offered none. He gives us life and freedom. Reach out and take it. No one else can give you peace and joy but Christ. It is a beautiful thing. A beautiful thing indeed....to be free.
- Jesse
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