Wednesday, April 10, 2013

How Batman Isn't Much Different Than Us

"By their fruits you will know them." - Matthew 7:16

In 2005, Batman Begins was introduced to the world. Bruce Wayne became one of the most treasured and adored super heroes of all time. With The Dark Knight in 2008 closing out at $1 billion dollars it's easy to see that Bruce won the hearts of the world and will continue to for years to come. So whats makes him so different?

Bruce Wayne is so much a picture of each one of us. He had all he needed and more, but it wasn't enough for him, as it is with so many of us. We can collect all the money and fame the earth has to offer but like Bruce we all want something more. We want a purpose in life. I often visit this thought just about every other second in my life. It's one of the most important questions we could ask ourselves. For the believer, our purpose is to serve The Lord.

"It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you." - Rachel Dawes

This quote couldn't be more true. You can be whoever you want to be inside, but if your actions don't match your heart then who are you really? Bruce claimed he was a different man that what people saw him to be in public. As a Christian this is our worst fear and yet one we don't attend too. We shouldn't be afraid to make those choices no matter what walk of life we come from. Jesus came down and made himself a sacrifice for us. He was defined by his loving actions and no action could ever measure to what He endured for you and me.

So when we take action, are we doing it for ourselves or is our purpose based on helping others? We should be taking the right action in every part of life. Doing what's right and matching your actions with your heart is where it counts. Batman wanted to save Gotham and he did it the only way he knew how. Maybe it's time we go beyond just words, put on the mask and do what we were meant to do. I believe every person has different strengths and abilities, so don't let the nature of your talents get in the way of your desire to serve the Lord. Another thing; wear the mask. The reason we help others is for the Lord's honor and Glory, not for ourselves. God sees everything and our reward is in heaven. What more could we ask for?

So, like Batman, we have no super power and at times everyone will hate us for what we do, but once we realize that the only thing that matters is Christ; life has a purpose.

- Jesse

Christian Bale giving a helping hand.

1 comment:

  1. Really cool blog post, Jesse! A couple points are similar to some points I made in my last two speeches on Serving and Focusing on Christ.

    I'm definitely looking forward to following this blog. May the Lord use you to encourage all of us!

    -- John McGarty
